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AUDIO_/SIM3 in HK(2010)_

남겨진 사람들_

Brendan. 남아공에서 홍콩까지 Bob을 만나기 위해 8시간의 비행기를 타고 중간에 9시간을 체류 했다가 홍콩까지 왔다고 했다. 정말로 놀라운 열정..
This is Brendan, he is from South Africa. He went to Hong Kong to take a seminar by Bob McCarthy and he took about 8hours by airplane and stopped by for 9hours and went to HongKong. He said that it took about over 20hours.. I was very impressed by his passion.

Mrridith(Bob McCarthy's wife and manager) & Bob McCarthy.
They seems really great partner in their life I ever seen before like them. They alway care them each other.. seems very happy. You know.. when you see them you'll follow me what I'm talking about..
내가 본 커플중 최고의 커플이라고 생각했다. 그 어디에서도 이렇게 아름다운 커플을 본 적이 없다. 이들을 만나고 나면 알 것이다. 내가 무슨 말을 하는지..

Bob McCarthy.. He is very nice has not only amazing skills and knowledge but also good humanity.
지식과 스킬.. 그리고 정말 좋은 인간성을 소지한 정말 멋진 사람..

Steven. 홍콩에서 만났던 Steven. 참 친절하고 고마운 친구 였다. 처음 참관한 날부터 타지에서 왔다는 이유 하나 만으로 참 우리에게 관대함을 많이도 베풀었던 고마운 친구이다.
좋은 친구를 만난 다는 것은 낯선곳에서 얻는 또하나의 행복이며 선물이다.
This is Steven. I met him at the seminar for the first day. He was very nice and kind. He'd helped us during stay in HK becuase we were foreinger for him. I felt very thanks.  I think that I meet friends at out of my place especially other country or other places that is one of the happiness and present.

Steven이 선물해준 휴대폰 고리.. 매년마다 돈을 쭉쭉 끌어 모아줄거라는 귀엽게 생긴 물고기 모양의 캐릭터.. :)
Present by Steve. he said that it would give me lots of money every years.. it seems very cute fish :)

Frieda. This is Frieda she is from HK. She work for Disney. She is very clever and very attractive person. you know she always smilling and sooooo kind. I like her personality especially who is woman and has skills.. you know what I mean..  seems really expert :)
Frieda.. 홍콩에서 만난 친구, 홍콩 디즈니랜드에서 일하고 있다. 언제나 웃는 모습이 매력적이다. 친절하기 까지.. ^^ 그리고 전문가 답다..
Frieda의 성격도 맘에들고

Annie & Dean, 상현이와 딘.. We met at the seminar but we just greeting end of the day.. but we knew already cause by we looked up each other during the seminar.. :) he was very genius.. and Annie, my expectation is her future.. :)
상현이와 딘.. 세미나에서 만났다. 겨우 세미나 마지막날 인사를 하긴 했지만 세미나 기간동안 지켜봐서 대충은 뭐 서로에 대해 알수 있었다. 딘은 정말 천재같다.. 애니.. 그녀의 미래를 기대한다. :)

Mrridith(Bob McCarthy's wife and manager) in my sight.. I really envy her life.. she has good job, and lovely husband in addition to work together and treveled alot.. sooooooooooooooooo amazing!!!! Mrridith! I envy you! that's what I wanted to be..

with Annie.. before we had dinner for the second day..

Brendan, he always be in front of the class and always doing something. good guy.

Brendan and I were taking seminar together it was very good. He sometimes teased me but was funny. I think he is good friend, he want to be a good speaker.. hey Brendan you could be a good speaker!!!!
세미나 내내 짝꿍으로 있었던 브랜든, 참 좋은 녀석이다. 수업중에 종종 장난도 치고 했지만 덕분에 재미있었다. 브랜든은 나중에 훌륭한 강사가 되고 싶다고 했따. 그렇게 될 수 있는 녀석 같다.. :)

Yena,Mrridith, Bob McCarthy
이 외국인들.. 머리는 왜이렇게 작은걸까? ㅠ.ㅠ 굴욕샷이구나.. 하지만 즐거웠음.. ^^
Wow! can you see their face? too small that the.. ㅠ.ㅠ soooooooo embarrassed.. but was very happy.

겁나게 많은 사람들이 있었으나.. 인사한 사람은 몇 안되어주심.. 그런데도 사진찍을때 카메라 렌즈를 주시하는 사람들이 제법 있어주심.. ㅋㅋ
There were many people but I couldn't greeting with all of them even though I couldn't know them you know when I was taking the photo some of them saw my camera :) did you see them? ^^

Steven.. Thank you so much with your all of kindness :)

Hey Annie it's cool shot :) I like it!

Brendan.. Good Luck with your future!!!! and in the future let's meet up when our dreams come true :)

참 즐거웠던 시간들이었다.. 돌아보니 그러네.. 늘 그런것 같다. 추억이라는 것은 시간이 지난뒤에야 비로서 그 소중함도 나타나게 되는 모양이다. 참 짧았던 시간이었지만 그 가운데 즐거웠던 소중했던 순간 순간들이 앞으로의 내 삶을 더욱 빛나게 만들어 줄 것이다.
It was great moments.. I didn't know that at that occasion but I know that was worthy. Memory is always remind me when every thing just has gone.. I never know how much worthy at that moment.. but thankfully I could realize after the moment.. that's enough.. It was very short time but I had great time with them and I'll remember our beautiful time it could make more beautiful and delighted. That's enough.. :)

'AUDIO_ > SIM3 in HK(2010)_' 카테고리의 다른 글

SIM 3세미나_  (1) 2010.09.27
Bob McCARTHY_  (0) 2010.08.30
SIM3 Seminar in HongKong_1  (3) 2010.08.24