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여정_ 낯선길에서 우연히 만나게되는 모든 것들이 내 삶의 여정이어라..
만나러 가는 길_ 누군가를 만나러 가는 길_ 한손에 꽃다발 한아름_ 그리고 카드 한장_ 그 안에 사랑 가득한_ 만나러 가는 길_
경찰_ 지나다가 급 찍은 사진이라서.. 삼허개 날려주시고.. 말님께서는 머리가 잘려주셨다요~~~ ㅋㅋ 다운타운서 본.. 이색풍경! ^^
sweet baby_ You called me 'Sweet baby' when I first heard I was strange but not now.. When you found me.. and you called me 'Sweet baby' I'm 18..
CANADA DAY_ CANADA DAY_ I went to the Grandvill Island last Tuesday because there are many events. Second visited in Grandvill Island there are huge people because special day.. but enterence looks liberty a little bit but inside was definitely busy a lot. There are many performance that is really huge scale in addition to it was really perfect. Even though there are many people it was really great.. Just I..
Vocal_ 뜨겁다.. 태양보다 더..
Enjoy the sunshine_ in YEIL TOWN
URBAN FARE_ URBAN FARE _ 도시에서 대접을 하다.. 이렇게 해석하면될까? When I finished school I usally go to the URBAN FARE with my friends. The place is very comportable I thik that is awesome plate. Even though here atomosphere is good and very cheap of coffee. So we used to go there. That place including the supermarket, flowershop, and cafeteria that's why every time very busy. There are many people visit there includ me....