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habit practice/English_

Long face_

My mother has a round face, but my father has a long face.(X)
My mother has a round face, but my father has a narrow face.(O)


Long face is actually an idiomatic expression! that means "sad looking." "My father has a long face" means "My father looks sad." Native speakers usually use this expression! by asking the question, "Why the long face?" This means "Why do you look so sad?" To describe the physical characteristics of someone's face, use narrow.

long face는 사실 숙어로 "슬퍼 보인다"란 의미입니다. 즉 My father has a long face는 My father looks sad(우리 아버지는 슬퍼 보이신다.)라는 뜻이죠. 네이티브들은 보통 이 표현을 의문문 형태로 써서Why the long face?라고 합니다. 즉 Why do you look so sad?(왜 그리 침울해 보이시나요?)의 의미지요. 반면 어떤 사람의 신체적 특징(얼굴이 길다는 것)을 묘사하려면 narrow를 써야 합니다.

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