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habit practice/English_


So soon it's over 9pm but I'm at office but I chose this way which I need some time to study by my self.
I didn't know that I have many thing to do so recently I found something what I have to do these things are very important to me so much.
I've been liveing very deligently but I was wrong because I was losted many things which is very important thing.
I didn't thing about what I want, why I live, exist.. that's very important thing.
Recently I broke up with my ex-boyfriend even best friend. After than I realized that I have to thing about my future and only me.
That's the point.
I'm looking at my way and looking for my future. Probably it would be very exciting.
I'm going to discover my way.. so I'll make plan every second for me.
Therefor don't give up don't be upset.

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