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habit practice/English_

땡땡이 치다

skip / ditch

I skipped class today. 오늘 수업 땡땡이 쳤어.

I skipped lunch. 

to ditch 땡땡이

I ditched class today. 오늘 수업 땡땡이 쳤어.

let's ditch class today! 오늘 땡땡이 치자!

Let me tag along. 나 끼워줘!

We ditched him and went by ourselves. 그 사람 따돌리고 우리끼리 갔어.

Do you want to tag along? 같이 갈까?

Do not show up. 나타나지 않다.

He didn't show up 그사람 나타나지 않았어. 안나왔어. 약속 안지켰어.

I'm really sorry but I don't think I'll be able to make it tomorrow. 미안한데 내일 약속 못지킬 것 같아.

He ditched me. 그가 나를 따돌렸어.

ditch = 땡땡이 치다. 따돌리다. 


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